The District seems to be bounded roughly by the Boardwalk on the West, by North Venice Boulevard to the South, by Pacific Avenue to the East, and by Rose on the North. You can read a description of the boundaries of the proposed BID in the ordinance, although it’s a little hard to follow even for someone who grew up out there. But that’s no reason for remaining silent. After all, if 169 signatures below one of the most eloquent anti-BID statements I’ve ever had the good fortune to read didn’t sway them, I don’t imagine that a huge public outcry will do much. “to determine whether to establish the District.” Please mark it on your calendars and come put the integrity of our City Council to the test. It seems that this isn’t final, and there will be a hearing on Augat 10 a.m. The sun sets on a free Venice Beach for the last time as a new era of totalitarian private/public partnership threatens to ruin everything.On Friday, July 1, the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles signed an ordinance of intention to establish a Venice Beach BID.